Transact SQL Training

    Date: 04/06/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: sql

    My boss asked me to do some research to find Transact SQL training for people at work which wouldn't be too expensive. Everyone (I hope) has basic skills with using Select statements and such. We mostly do a lot of report writing, but the need is for everyone to have more understanding and be able to manipulate data and be able to pull in data from other sources (Conversions from competitor systems to ours) and also be able to write procedures, functions and triggers.

    Any suggestions which wouldn't break the bank? Local colleges have prerequisites that I don't think most here would have already. Also the two main colleges teach using Oracle and Sybase, while we only use MS SQL now, but will most likely branch off in the future.

    Thanks for any input provided.

    Xposted to DB_Community


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