Crystal Reports Question
Date: 04/10/08
(SQL Server) Keywords: database, sql
I'm new to this community. I joined last week. I hope posting a Crystal Reports question is OK to do here.
I'm using a SQL server to store a database that contains calibration data. I have been using Crystal Reports to create calibration certificates and so far everything has been working fine. Recently I started working on a way to create calibration labels using Crystal Reports. I have everything laid out fine and all the correct data is being displayed. The problem I am having is trying to make the report start printing from a specific location.
I'm trying to print to a sheet of labels. There are 30 labels on the sheet. 10 rows and 3 columns. There isn't a problem if I'm trying to print on a brand new sheet of labels. The problem I'm running into is trying to start printing on a specific row/column.
For example, I had a brand new label sheet and printed 13 calibration labels. So I have used up the first 4 rows and the first column on the fifth row. Now the next time I want to print calibration labels I want to start on the second column of the fifth row. Does anyone know a way to do this?
I'm currently using Crystal Reports 8.0 but I'm planning on getting the newest version in a few weeks.