Creating a "SQL Job Launch Shell" for lower-priveleged users
Date: 02/11/13
(SQL Server) Keywords: sql
This is in response to my question on 2/4/2013 for SQL Version 2000 (should work in subsequent versions if you follow my comments)
Design: User Table Created w/ Trigger   CREATE TABLE [dbo].[prod_support_job_queue] ( [job_name] sysname NOT NULL, [step_id] int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__prod_supp__step___4959E263] DEFAULT (1), [action] nvarchar(6) NOT NULL, (Must be either START, CANCEL, or STOP) [ntlogin] nvarchar(32) NULL, --used to log who made the request [log_date] datetime NULL, [processed] char(1) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_prod_support_job_queue_processed] DEFAULT ('N') ) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[ti_job_queue] on [dbo].[prod_support_job_queue] for insert as set nocount on
if ( update(job_name) ) begin declare @username varchar(30) declare @log_date datetime declare @job_name sysname -- Get the user's attributes. select @username = loginame from master..sysprocesses where spid = @@spid
select @log_date = getdate() select @job_name = job_name from inserted update prod_support_job_queue set log_date=@log_date, ntlogin=@username where processed ='N' and job_name=@job_name end
Procedures: - check_job_queue - fires off via scheduled SQL job. It reads from the prod_support_job_queue table
- make_job_request - procedure exposed to the production support team. This helps them insert records into the prod_support_job_queue table
- sp_isJobRunning - (Modified this procedure from THIS publicly available code in order for it to run on SQL 2000 )
Logic:- The user makes his request via the make_job_request stored procedure. He is required to enter a valid job name, action (which is either START, STOP, or CANCEL)
- check_job_queue runs every 10 minutes for check for new actions in the prod_support_job_queue table. It utilizes system stored procedures in msdb to start and stop jobs. For the CANCEL command, a simple update statement is issued to the processed field to exclude it from further processing checks.
- sp_IsJobRunning is called by check_job_queue in order to see if the requested job is already running before issuing any commands
I am adding fine-tuning to the check_job_queue procedure. Once that is done, I'll post the code for the two custom procedures check_job_queue and make_job_request
Source: https://sqlserver.livejournal.com/77452.html