another exceptionally dumb question...

    Date: 05/11/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: database, sql

    ...on the same VBScript thing I'm trying to come up with in DTS. I'm sure this is another "it's very obvious, you just haven't put the piece together correctly" kind of question.

    Okay, to recap fast: I'm importing a text file and shunting each record off into one of a series of possible places for some quick processing (I'm keeping the test cases in the SELECT CASE statement to the simplest possible options, so I can make sure I have a running skeleton before getting into any more complex processing)-- right now, it's simply splitting the line and copying it into a table (REF or ISA, depending). Then I realized...

    [snip a bunch of stuff]

    	dim MyDestConnREF
    	set MyDestConnREF = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    	MyDestConnREF.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=TESLA;Initial Catalog=EDI;userid=sa'password=nothing"
    	dim MyDestConnISA
    	set MyDestConnISA = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    	MyDestConnISA.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=TESLA;Initial Catalog=EDI;userid=sa'password=nothing"

    [snip a bunch of stuff]
    	select case ucase(trim(left(dtssource("Col001"),3)))
    		case "REF"
    			redim sArray(4)
    			DTSDestination("recordnum") = recordnum
    			DTSDestination("subrecordnum") = subrecordnum
    			DTSDestination("type")	= sArray(0)
    			DTSDestination("refnumqual") = sArray(1)
    			DTSDestimation("refnum") = sArray(2)
    			DTSDestination("description") = sArray(3)
    			DTSDestimation("refid") = sArray(4)
    		case "ISA"
    			redim sArray(16)

    [snip a bunch of stuff]

    How to I tell it that the columns in DTSDestination in this excerpt pertain to the REF table, as opposed to ISA (or any other table in the database)? I can't seem to find a parameter in Connection.Open that will let me specify a table, and since I'm working with multiple tables, I'm not going to have a default destination-- I'm going to have multiple destinations in the same script.



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