SQL 2K5 Express Manager

    Date: 06/14/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: software, technology, database, sql

    I have a standalone system (WinXPPro) which has MSDE. This system will never have full-blown SQL Server, and will probably never have SQL Server 2005 Express edition (at least not until the other software running on it is certified for SQL2k5 Express)

    I'm interested in having some simple tool to serve the same role as Enterprise Manager and Query Analyser do in SQL2k (queries, backups, database mods, etc). I'm thinking of downloading the SQL Server 2005 Express Manager, and using it for some simple database management tasks.

    Has anyone downloaded the April CTP (Community Technology Preview) version of this tool? If so, how do you like it? Does it work well with MSDE? If I want to avoid mixing versions and avoid using unreleased and unsupported tools, is there an equivalent tool for MSDE 2000?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/sqlserver/28608.html

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