My apologies, but...

    Date: 06/26/05 (SQL Server)    Keywords: database, sql, microsoft, google

    Hello everyone. I apologize in advance for being the typical newbie at this sort of thing, but I don't really have a choice. I just landed a new summer job at an Embassy and I really need some help.

    I have been giving the task of sorting out maps in my department. I'm to build a database where I index all of the maps so that people in the Embassy can have easier, more organized access to them. However, I have never, ever done anything like this before and unfortunately I am stuck with Microsoft Access (I've already been told that SQL is far superior to MA). Believe me, I would switch to SQL in a heartbeat because I have heard that it is more user-friendly, but MA is what I've been given to work with and I cannot download anything onto my computer.

    So far I've set up tables and created a couple of forms. I've probably already done something wrong just through that. I realize that people take courses to learn how to use MA and it's going to take more than a few LJ comments to help me get through this. What I was hoping you guys could direct me toward are some detailed MA tutorials online. I'm having specific problems trying to understand what 'queries' are and how to set up a main switchboard. The purpose of this index is to serve as sort of a search engine to look up these maps, and I don't know how to do that.

    So if anyone has any links to tutorial sites, hopefully more specific to what I'm trying to do, that'd be great. I've already Googled for help and I've found a few tutorials, but I'm hoping for even more help.

    Sorry about my sob-story. I'm really in a bind here. MA is making me feel really, really unintelligent.


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