MS SQL server help?

    Date: 01/15/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: sql

    - column_name

    - utteranceID
    - speakerID

    - utteranceHistoryID
    - utteranceID
    - speakerName
    - workTypeDescription
    - businessEntityDescription
    - eventDate

    - speakerID
    - personID

    - personID
    - firstName
    - lastName

    the task: i need to collect all occurrences when a speakername had been changed in the system. returning in this query: the utteranceID, original speakerName, and final speakerName. I am using MS SQL Server, so i can't use a MINUS as i would have liked to.

    -- here is what i tried
    -- sadly this is lacking by not returning all of the rows where a speakerName change has occurred
    select uh1.utteranceID,
    uh1.speakerName AS originalSpearkerName,
    uh2.speakerName AS finalSpearkerName
    from utteranceHistory uh1 INNER JOIN utteranceHistory uh2
    ON (uh1.locationId = uh2.locationId
    AND uh1.utteranceID = uh2.utteranceID
    AND uh1.utteranceHistoryID <> uh2.utteranceHistoryID)
    WHERE uh1.speakerName <> uh2.speakerName
    AND uh1.utteranceHistoryID = (SELECT MIN(utteranceHistoryID) FROM
    utteranceHistory where utteranceID = uh1.utteranceID)
    AND uh2.utteranceHistoryID = (SELECT MAX(utteranceHistoryID) FROM
    utteranceHistory utteranceID = uh2.utteranceID)
    ORDER BY uh1.utteranceID

    -- here is what returns all the changes in the speakerName, however
    -- returns two rows per utteranceId, which is really not easy to format
    -- especially when the results i am working with are in the thousands.

    SELECT utteranceID, speakerName
    FROM utteranceHistory
    WHERE utteranceID IN
    SELECT utteranceID
    FROM utteranceHistory
    WHERE speakerName IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY utteranceid HAVING count(utteranceid) =2
    and speakerName IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY utteranceid, eventdate


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