Query takes longer to run

    Date: 02/04/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: software, database

    I work for a software company and we have this huge query used for billing and it has not changed but in two weeks time this query takes a lot more time to run. It use to take 10-15 minutes and now it takes 3 hours to complete. Only a week or two worth of data has been added to this database which a customer has had for 2-3 years. I'm stumped on how this could happen. Is there a tool to test the data to see if the data is messing up the query (bad values in a column?) I've tried the execution plan but it wasn't much help in Query Analyzer. We are thinking about rewriting the query which would be good but if there is bad information in the database that would be good to find.

    Thanks for any suggestions anyone may have.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/42320.html

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