Stored Procedures

    Date: 02/23/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: sql

    Hi again,
    I posted before about how I was coming from Oracle to SQL Server so apologies in advance if this is a stupid question.
    I've been using Stored Procedures to return select statements.
    What I'm wondering is if they can return data from multiple select statements or variables?
    For example
    A customer table, and a customer phones table which can have 4 records for the customer.
    I want to return customer, phone1, phone2, phone3, phone4
    If I just joined the tables I'd get
    customer, phone1
    customer, phone2 etc.

    In Oracle I'd write a function which would get the customer, have a second query to go through the phones table and assign each one to a variable and then return the customer no and the variables.

    Can this be done in SQL Server?


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