Another informative Microsoft error message.

    Date: 03/09/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: sql, microsoft

    My apologies. I've been quite inquisitive the past few weeks. It'll get slightly worse before it gets better, but it will get better, eventually.

    Installed SQL Server 2005. Attempted to start SQL Server Management Studio. Splash screen flashed. Then nothing. Tried to start Business Intelligence Development Studio. Got the following error message:

    Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.

    Yelled at the computer, sacrificed a few small animals, did a rain dance. Nothing worked. Attempted a "repair installation" routine which told me everything was, in fact, installed. Finally broke down and reinstalled the application-- from scratch (as in, pulled off all SQL Server 2005 components, not just the BI stuff, and reinstalled everything.) Tried to start SQL Server Management Studio. This time I got the splash screen for almost a full second, but the end result was still no program. Tried to start Business Intelligence Development Studio, and... you know the drill.

    As reinstalling is an admission of failure on both my part and Microsoft's-- especially when I have to do it twice in a row, with the same outcome expected when I do it again-- does anyone know of any way I can find out which component(s) is/are missing and work from there?



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