CSS w/ JS vs DHTML Menus

    Date: 04/10/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, html, asp, web

    I'm developing 2 sites that have a horizontal navigation menu. Normally, I frown on horizontal menus because it doesn't allow for expansion of "areas", but the recent layouts tend to look better with a horizontal menu. I'm in a bit of a bind, because the only navigation drop down/slide out is a CSS driven layout with JS, but I can't get the hort. menu to work with it. It was suggested that I use a DHTML menu with layers, but I have never attempted that.

    Could you all give me some advice or suggestions? I like the look and feel of the JS menu, but I know that about 10% of the users disable JS in the browsers and sometimes the JS prevents the links to be cataloged for search engines. What is the positive/negative aspects of using DHTML for the menus? Does anyone have a good tutourial for it? I'm using Dreamweaver 8.

    This is one of the websites:
    Haunted Studies

    Cross Posted... A lot.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/312504.html

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