UK Designers Community

    Date: 04/27/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    Just to let everyone know who might be interested, I've just set up:


    Basically it's a community for...uh...designers based in the UK (or wanting to be based in the UK!), who want to discuss all kinds of work related bollocks: pay, degree and postgraduate courses, job prospects, college courses, training, asking and giving hints and tips, asking design-related questions etc. I've noticed that both '[info]'graphicdesign and '[info]'webdev, although fab, are very US-designer-heavy and, as a lot of the things that trouble designers in this country seem to need knowledge of how the system works here in terms of employment, training, work experience and what the various courses entail etc...well let's just say there seemed to be niche, so I have attempted to fill it!

    Anyway, a community is only a community if people join and post, so this is just a quick pimp to say, if you'd like to join up and x-post, please feel free!


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