Temporary Notifications

    Date: 05/08/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser

    I need to put a note on a few site with something that really only isn't necessary as by the time someone goes to the site to see the notice, it'll be too late to make alternate arrangements. Anyhow my solution to just get it out of the way and make the requesters happy was a basic popup window. Well it turns out this one person has a pop-up blocker on their browser so my quick solution has been foiled.
    What are some alternate methods of accomplishing something like this? I've been playing with an i-frame, but that just messes up the layout too much on the one site. Oh too I can't put it on the actual page due to one of the site's client requiring everything to go through levels of approval and by the time that'd happen the notice would be unnecessary.
    I was hoping I'd be able to just use an absolutely positioned div, but that messes the main image on the site with the jittery client.
    Any ideas would be appreciated, my brain is just not functioning this Monday.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/318704.html


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