A Little Trouble With CSS and Javascript

    Date: 05/26/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: java

    Ok so I'm working on my site and finding that I'm running into problems that I can only assume are caused by inheriting styles...

    1.) For some reason I can't seem to get my stupid copyright text on this page to go smaller. I know the basic font-size tags used to creat diffrent sized text, but none of them will work for some reason.

    2.) If I set several elements into a box using an id for all content and then align that with text-align, I can never seem to re-align text in that box. For example say I want to align a navigation system to the right like I did with my updates section on the above page. I wanted the word new to center in within the width I had set for that box, but in order to acheive it I had to use the center tag around the word its self. Is there a better way?

    3.) See the quote on the page above? It's the one right under the picture. Both the image and the quote will eventually be set to randomly display using javascript... I have a javascript that will allow me to hook the top headline banner with a random img and a link which is connected to it. That led me to wonder if there's a way to connect a specific quote to each random img - that way the quote could actually be by the person in the img.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/322923.html

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