Dreamweaver Knock Offs?

    Date: 05/31/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    Ok so I took a run over to Amazon and couldn't find anything but the latest copy of Dreamweaver (Version 8 I think) and that was going for nearly 400 dollars. Now, seeing as how I'm just a little neophyte down here trying to learn how to do web design well enough to start making some money on the side... I don't have that kind of cash.

    Does anyone know where I could get my hands on an older copy of Dreamweaver for say 100 bucks or so?

    Barring that does anyone have any suggestions for good WYSIWYG type programs? Preferably one that lets me work from both the visual side and the code side like Dreamweaver does?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/325834.html

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