CSS question

    Date: 06/06/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, html

    I'm working on a program that needs to be able to automatically modify some given HTML, wrapping text with links. In other words, what originally used to be text will now be a link. The problem is that this link MUST look exactly the same as it did when it was just text (in the same browser). This needs to be done automatically with any given HTML.

    Now for the question:
    Is there a way to do this without parsing css and calculating the style for the text element, calculating the style for the new link element, and wrapping the text inside the link with a span revesing the effects of the link style? For example, can I specify in a span tag that the included element should not inherit style from its parents?

    Any and all ideas are welcome, post away...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/326950.html

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