
    Date: 07/29/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web

    Telecommuting is hell. First the web designer and me ( PHP/CGI/DB/server admin) sabotaged each other(concurrent ftp updates) most of yesterday killing any hope of meeting the deadline and now today I was going nuts because I couldn't figure out why the server wasn't automatically directing to index.htm but instead giving a directory listing instead. After numerous modifications to .htaccess "DirectoryIndex" with no result, I finally noticed that "index.htm" was spelt "Index.htm". At this point I decided I needed a beer and a cigarette. That said, were now 12 hours over the deadline.

    Basically I am going to write up a list of guidelines for the designer on proper house keeping and file naming... but I was wondering if there is any suggestions for better collaborating between us besides calling each other or one of us working at the others domicile. Oh yeah, we just activated dreamweaver's check in/out system but I got this weird feeling the designer doesn't have it activated on her computer.

    Oh yeah, Hello... I am new here.


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