A Javascript beginner looking for help

    Date: 09/22/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, java, web

    Hi everyone. I run a website for the University of Exeter, and I have a bit of trouble with a page, linked below. I am trying to show or hide each abstract (the blocks of indented text) on this page. I really want a long list of titles, with the abstracts displayed beneath when the user clicks a link below the title they want to view. Surely this should be simple? I'm having a lot of trouble with it though. I have tried a few CSS and Javascript methods, but with no luck. If someone could help me find a script which will allow the easy visibility toggling, I would be very grateful!

    The link is: http://www.sogaer.ex.ac.uk/archaeology/tag/sessions.shtml

    Thanks in advance!

    ETA: Currently the page does not have any scripting to try and solve this problem: to keep the page operative I have had to take this off.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/354018.html

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