Flash actionscripting question

    Date: 09/26/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm trying to make a flash movie that consists of a grid of thirty squares (called boxes in my movie). Each box is a movie clip. In each box movieclip is 9 different image movie clips. Each image movie clip is animated so that it will fade in for 20 frames and fade out for 20 frames. A stop(); is coded for frame 1 and frame 20 of each image movie clip.

    The code below is in my main movie. I want the boxes to randomly fade in with a random image, stay for a random amount of time, and then fade out. So that the end result is a grid of images that randomly fade in and out continuously. As of right now, it does not work. The movie is just blank.

    Is my context bad? Am I going about it in the wrong way? Thanks everyone.

    **Btw, randRange creates a random number between (and including) the two numbers you drop into it. I've used it before and know it works.

    _root.onEnterFrame = function()
    for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
    var nm = "box" + i; //go through the thirty boxes

    var nm = "image" + (randRange(0,8)); //Pick one of the 9 images in the box


    _root[nm]._root[nm2].onEnterFrame = function()
    if (this._currentframe == 1)
    if ( (randRange(0,99) < 50) ) //Play 50% of the time
    } //CLOSE if
    } //CLOSE if

    else if (this._currentframe == 20)
    if ( (randRange(0,99) < 50) ) //Finish movie clip 50% of the time
    } //CLOSE if
    } //CLOSE else if

    } //CLOSE _root[nm].onEnterFrame = function
    } //CLOSE for
    } //CLOSE _root.onEnterFrame = function

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/356037.html

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