Alignment problems

    Date: 09/29/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser

    I read the last post & don't have time right now to search for "One True Layout" right now (I'm demonstrating this site in a workshop tomorrow), but if anyone knows what to do about this, I'd appreciate it. Most people have raved about this site, but one person said that the word "Sermons" was out of place, though he didn't tell me which browser or OS. It's probably due to the resolution or font size and it's running over, but maybe not. Looking at it in IE 5.2 on a Mac, another line is out of place - the line starting with "Find" is all the way over to the left in the table, but the browser seems to see all the other spacer images and align properly. Why is it not seeing that one? I tried opening the browser wider and that doesn't change it. I hate using absolutes since I want it to be accessible to the visually impaired, but I might have to compromise. I obviously did compromise on this home page by using fixed table widths. Any suggestions? I appreciate whatever ideas you might have about it.


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