Code for embedding video

    Date: 10/02/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    Hello everyone, I have a question and I'm hoping that someone here can help me. I am working on a corporate website and my client is specified that he'd like to have a few links to embedded video clips.

    The files I've been supplied with are Quicktime .mov files. The dimensions are 320 X 240. I have never coded for embedding video clips before and I'm running short on time to produce a page template for showing one video at a time.

    Is there anyone who could help me out by providing either a link to a solid (and quick) tutorial or a sample snippet of code? I'm developing this website without WYSIWYG help so I'm comfortable working with code providing that it'll work the way it should in Firefox and Internet Explorer (at the least).

    I offer my thanks in advance.

    (apologies for crossposting a tad)


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