Internet Explorer 7 - MM_menu.js

    Date: 10/17/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    Right, so we use drop down menus generated by Macromedia's mm_menu.js.

    Worked fine in everything until IE7 came out. I do some research. Yup, a lot of people saying that "a carriage return is inserted where there is a space." So "This menu" becomes:

    Damn, right? So I figure out the problem. My question is, rather then edit this code, is there a new version of mm_menu out (I can't find it) that fixes this damn problem? I thought IE7 was supposed to do good...

    Okay, it turns out the problem isn't the .js itself, but the information that was being pulled into it. Gotta love struts and tiles, and IE7 not reading spaces correctly.


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