Oh shit, IE 7

    Date: 10/23/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, java, web

    Hey everyone -

    I just downloaded IE 7 that's going to be auto-installed on every XP user's machine on Nov 1, and the javascript menus for my web site don't work at all. Also, I didn't write them, and although I can debug some JavaScript (I'm a php person) I can't figure out why the menus won't work! I'm not really expecting any miracles here, but could you all give me some advice, like what might be a common change or bug or something in IE 7? It's too much code to post and if I ask the developer to fix, they're going to charge and may not get it done in time. Any advance tips are truly, ecstatically appreciated!



    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/363696.html

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