dreamweaver question

    Date: 10/24/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: css, html, web

    I made my first simple layout today using dreamweaver. (we'll see how well it works out) I saved my html file, then I saved my css files. (I clicked on cascading sheets) and went to upload them on awardspace.com. My css files are not showing up when I click on browse. I'm just wondering what to do to get them to show up to upload. Does anyone know? *total newbie here*


    edit: Ok, I realized it's not saving the changes to my html file either. I named a file index, and when I looked to edit it at awardspace, there was nothing I saw in dreamweaver. (all the html and css) - I editted it at the website, awardspace (so I could view my page at least even if I don't know what the hell is going on with dreamweaver) and it STILL doesn't show anything on my website. Grrr. Am I supposed to be saving something .html if it has html and css in it? I normally seperate my css file from my html file. So I've managed to entirely confuse myself. I would realllly appreciate some help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/364228.html

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