Useful tool

    Date: 10/27/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, software, web, linux

    Note: This is commercial software, but I am not affiliated or paid for endorsing it.

    A little bit ago I started using sshfs which is a open source system tool that mounts remote directories to a local directory via ssh (encrypted secure connection) and I thought it would be cool if there was something similar for the Windows world. After googling and asking a lot of people, the link below was the best I could find. Basically what it does is make a drive map to a remote ftp / sftp server and expose the files there to your machine. The only problem I have with it is the price $20+. It's not exactly cheap, but when your the only person in town with a really useful service, I guess you can set whatever price you want.

    Why this is useful?
    Before I would use Dream weaver to keep my files sync'd, even when I used 2+ other IDE's and file editing tools. It wasn't exactly perfect but it worked in a half-assed way. Now with webdrive, the files appear local to any tool (Komodo, php, eclipse, python) but when you change them, it updates the remote as well.

    Otherwise, anyone know of something cheaper/similar?  The only other idea I had was to use sshfs on my linux server like so remote_files -> local_linux.sshfs -> remote_local.samba -> windows workstation.   If the last sentence didn't make sense, then just know that it would be tedious to do. 


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