Redirection and the Robots.txt file

    Date: 11/09/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: asp, web

    I'm hoping some of you might be able to give me some advice and I'm really hoping I'm posting this in the right place.

    I'm helping someone with their website and I did a free analysis on Scrub the Web that mentioned two very glaring problems with regards to getting properly indexed by the search engines. One of them was that the main page has a redirection on it (goes from the regular url to the url with index.aspx at the end) and the other is that it's apparently missing a proper robots.txt file.

    Can someone enlighten me a bit more on these two things? Will they really affect search engine performance? And while I know how to go about fixing the robots.txt issue...I'm not sure what to do about the redirection. I personally have no control over whether or not the site gets redirected. So, I pose this question. If the URL is: and is redirecting to which URL is best to submit to the search engines (or is it better to remove the redirection altogether.



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