Job Listing

    Date: 11/14/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, web, shopping

    Hello everyone, I have web design job that needs to be filled asap. The description follows below. The website deals with herbal products, reviews, shopping, etc. Please email if you are willing to complete the job, and be sure to include a bid (please note this is not a high budget project). Thank you!

    Web designer needed to construct website for herbal products. Sections to be included: reviews, informational articles, buyer beware and more. Must also have an e-commerce system for selling.

    Dependant upon pricing, a user database may or may not be required at this time. If the budget does not allow for such database, ability to create, use and manage database must be left in design for later insertion.

    Website is not expected to contain more than 20 pages.

    Project must be ready by end of 2006.


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