SQL 2005 Permissions

    Date: 11/17/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, sql, security

    Ok, so here's the situation: Migrating from one server to another, and from MS SQL 2000 to MS SQL 2005. The approach I found recommended is dettaching the database on SQL 2000, moving it to the new server, and attaching on SQL 2005. This process worked, but here's the problem:
    The database owner on the original machine is someusername. This information is embedded in the database, and when it's attached on the new server, still remains. When I try to go to database properties/permissions and remove the user, it removes it, but when I close the window and then reopen it, the user is there yet again. When I try to create a new user with the same name through Security/Logins and give it rights to the new database, it says that that username is already associated with the database and that it can't do this.

    So are there any solutions to this specific problem or another way of moving from MS SQL 2000 to MS SQL 2005?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/370919.html

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