Random Flash Image Banner

    Date: 02/06/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: xml

    This is not my favorite sort of thing as it looks very banner ad to me, anyhow I'm not in control of this project so……

    I need to create a 720x169 px strip that has images and words moving across and randomly changing fading in and out. Is there a base actionscript or fla file available somewhere that will just do this pulling the images from a folder and the words from an XML or text file? and hopefully freeware too.

    I could possibly put this together myself, but this is one of those needs to be done yesterday things.
    Eventually I will have to make the images and words links, but not right for this, so something that could incorpoate linking the items would be a plus though.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/386606.html

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