Can you give me some ideas for this client server application I'm building?

    Date: 03/01/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, html, asp

    hey guys,

    Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. I am still on the same project, but this time I'm trying to do something else. Namely, to use the FileSystemObject to create a script that is going to make brand new HTML pages (based on a template on a dynamic page.) But before creating the pages it will allow the user to look at the server directory (which sounds kind of like what you could do if this were an FTP app) and let them select the resources to appear at certain locations on the template (and that's kind of like a picture gallery app.) I'm working with ASP (classic right now, but I might have to switch to ASP.NET.) Some of the functionality is easy to nail down, but others, like getting the directory structure to be viewable on the browser window, boggles my mind. Do you have any recs or know of any useful apps for any of the aspects of this project?



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