What does Web Application Projects template in VS .NET 2003 do?

    Date: 03/05/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: java, web, microsoft

    hey guys,

    I'm installing the Web Application Projects for Visual Studio .NET 2003. It's taking forever to download, and I have some doubts about whether it's what I need for my project. I guess I'm wondering what a web application project actually does for a developer. Teh Microsoft site, as usual, was vague about the topic, although they very successfully illustrate "how" to use a Web Application Project. I thought I'd seek some guidance here. Basically I'm hoping to create a interactive console to move files in and out of the server. Does the Web Application Projects template permit you to do that?? (The reason I ask is, during my research, I came across this implementation, which has roughly the same objective as my own, but they use Java applets to build their primary interface, and that planted a seed of doubt in my mind about the Web Applications Project template.)


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/391088.html

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