css question

    Date: 04/04/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css, web

    Up until now I've always used tables to build my websites, but have decided it's time to move on and learn css. All seems fairly straightforward so far, but I've found something which it seems difficult to do so I thought I'd enquire!

    When I've made tables-based pages I've always centred my table, so you get the same size layout on any monitor, with the background left and right filled in with whatever colour my background was. And that was always fine. But looking at css, I can't seem to find a similar straightforward way to do the same thing? And what methods there are seem to not work on this browser or that browser which makes it quite awkward? Is this right? Do I just need to change my way of designing and either justify to the left or make everything stretch to fit monitors (which I don't really like doing)?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/399583.html

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