Date: 04/16/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: cms, php, html, web

    This whole Content Management System thing is overwhelming, and I hope I can get some guidance from you folks.

    My new client wants to be able to change the look of the index page monthly. The client does not understand HTML.

    The ISP has the following CMS products available: Drupal, Geeklog, Joomla, Mambo Open Source, PHP-Nuke, phpWCMS, phpWebSite, Post-Nuke, Siteframe, TYPO3, and Xoops. These are all add-ons via Fantastico.

    What I think the client wants (subject to new revelations) is a way to change an image and maybe some text on one page, but they'll probably want to do something similar on other pages, too, eventually.

    Has anyone worked with these products? Any comments good or bad about them?


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