
    Date: 05/05/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, browser, css, html, xml, asp, java, web

    Hi everyone!
    I'm new here,  but expect to come back soon enough with real insight and input.  In the meantime, I'm working on a tech report (whoever said going back to college would be easy needs to be shot on sight) and could use your help.

    I've developed a questionnaire for web designers/developers and would love your input.  It will be used for a feasibility report that will analyze and recommend a core set of web languages for training and hiring employees of, say, a small webdesign company.  I am willing to forward to anyone the completed report if requested and am also willing to provide copies of other assignments that have been part of this report.  After all, I look at unsolicited surveys like this with quite a bit of skepticism and usually want some background.

    If you frequent other webdesign forums/communities, please excuse the likelihood of verbatim cross posting, as I am desperately in need of responses (I need quantifiable results within two weeks, yikes!) and don't much have the time to rewrite an introduction six times.

    If you have additional input beyond what I'm asking in the survey, please feel free to give your opinions.  Thanks in advance for your time and help.


    1.What web languages do you currently code in?

    2.Do you prefer any web languages to others?  If so, what?  Why?

    3.Please rate the learning curve of the following web languages; leave blank if you have not used the language.  If you are currently learning the language, please note how long you expect it to take you to learn the language.  If there are languages that have been omitted and you have input regarding the learning curve, please add it at the end of the question.

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    (a)less than 1 week
    (b)1 to 2 weeks
    (c)2 to 4 weeks
    (d)more than 4 weeks

    4.Do you feel that Internet Explorer hinders your designing effectiveness in any way?  Explain.

    5.Do you feel that Firefox hinders your designing effectiveness in any way?  Explain.

    6.Do you feel that any other browser hinders your designing effectiveness in any way?  Explain.

    7.How often do you adhere strictly to W3C standards?
    (a)All the time
    (b)most of the time
    (c)about half the time

    8.Is there one web language you use more than others?  Which one, and why?

    9.How long have you been doing web design or development?

    10.Do you have any certifications?  If so, which ones?

    Again, thank you for taking the time to look at and hopefully answer this survey.  It will be highly useful for my tech report.


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