Radios on webpages and song storage

    Date: 05/10/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    Hello! Thanks for the earlier help! Now I have another question.

    I am currently helping someone set up their own webpage in Geocities. They want to have a scroll down radio on their front page, for which I have already found the code. However, you have to link to the URL of the song's location, and it doesn't look like Geocities allows you to upload MP3s and the like. If this IS possible, I'd like to know how it's done, or where I might be able to "store" the song (much like how you can store video clips at and link to it that way. (I found a site called Radio.Blog but I still don't think it would work through Geocities).

    I did warn her that some people don't like meeting music as soon as they click on a page, but she is determined to have this.

    She'll probably kill me if I can't figure this out. I hope this all made sense. Thanks!


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