RSS feed nuisance

    Date: 05/17/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: rss, html, web

    ok. im getting more and more into this web-design thing and its just confusing me now.i'm not advanced but im not an idiot and until now i've usually been able to figure stuff out.
    this RSS feed set up is really messing with me. i have a website ( and i have a blog on that site (
    i want to use so people dont have to look at my blog every day to see if i've posted, but i cant get it to work. if anyone knows of something that is better than that'll do the same thing, then please let me know.

    i believe what i need to do is get the orange "RSS" box to show up where i type in (at the end of the website, i use safari).
    how do i do that?
    i've read websites and other tutorials and its a bit beyond me. if someone is willing to help me through the process and make sure it works and fix this "problem" for me i'd even be willing to pay a bit. i really need this set up before tuesday (may 22).

    thank you and please feel free to email me (avivalaloca @ mac. com) with any ideas or just post here.

    much appreciated!


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