Table row problem

    Date: 05/19/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: browser, css

    Hi all, new here and hope you can help.

    I'm working on replicating a design and I'm simplifying it greatly. Unfortunately I'm also incurring problems in getting the look consistent.

    I have a table layout (because I can't get divs to work properly) with two columns and three rows, the second column spanning all three rows. In the second column is a tall image. The first row has a green background. Unfortunately, unless the amount of text in the bottom row is enough to pass the height of the image, the top row (w/ green background) gets taller (in most browsers). I can't add the "height:" attribute to the CSS of the td, I had to add it to the td declaration itself for it to be recognized in Windows. Anyone know why this would be the case?



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