Redirecting with mod_rewrite and a map

    Date: 05/20/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, apache

    I'm trying to do some redirections using apache mod_rewrite with a map file, and I have it working in part, when in the case where the URL is in the map it should redirect and it currently does that, however I am trying to figure out how to make it do nothing when the URL is NOT in the map and this has not (yet) worked for me.

    Here is the basic form of the rewrite configuarions,

    RewriteMap    vhost        txt:/var/www/html/

    RewriteCond   %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^(MY_REDIRECT)
    RewriteCond   %{HTTP_HOST}   (.*
    RewriteRule   . ${vhost:%1} [R,]
    Thank you in advance


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