Newbie with a Question. There's an introduction.

    Date: 06/05/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: database

    My local college requires students to buy their school books. At the end of the year, they give them the option to sell them back to the school, at a loss. The problem is, every time they switch to a new edition of a book, they refuse to buy back the old ones. So the students end up with a lot of older edition books. Most of them are just a tiny bit different from the newer ones.

    If I wanted to make a mini for my local college, how would I go about it? I know I want a sort of database where students can search for books by Title, Author(s), ISBN, Edition, Publishing Date, Price, and Class Name and browse by category. I also want to have a place where students can post which books they're looking for.

    I need an option to make payment online, through the mail, or face-to-face (since they're in the same college).

    The site should operate as a mini post.

    I think such a site would use forms, but which forms? And how?


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