Hunting for invalid markup/ATM Subsystem Failure (DWCS3)
Date: 08/25/07
(Web Development) Keywords: web, google
Hello all, new person here-- I go by Mer or Azurite, whatever strikes your fancy.
I've got Dreamweaver CS3, because I love Dreamweaver and have been using it since v.4. Some things I'm still learning, like code rewriting and "applying source formatting." I'm thinking that when I click "Apply Source Formatting" in my Commands menu, it's supposed to do all the code-rewrite things that are set in my Preferences (I'm on a Mac, if that helps), but I'm never sure if it actually WORKS.
Long story short, I seem to have a lot of invalid markup-- emphasis tags, to be precise. They have opening tags but no closing tags, and I have no way of finding them unless I'm peering exceptionally close at the code or I randomly discover a large "space" where the invalid markup tag < ! > would be, if it ever actually DISPLAYED anywhere besides the Property Inspector!
Is there any way of hunting down that invalid markup? I have plenty of emphasis tags that are perfectly closed and nested, so I don't want to do a run-of-the-mill Search, but it doesn't seem as if there's a way to search for a specific tag that DOES NOT have a closing tag to go with it (where one is necessary).
Any ideas?
Also, slightly different subject, same program: has anyone ever encountered the "catastrophic" ATM Subsystem Error before? I got it twice today, but restarting the program both times let me get into it. A Google search of the error didn't return many results in English pertaining to CS3, and on Adobe's website, it couldn't find anything under that search string. I was wondering if other DWCS3 users may have encountered it and if so, what they did.