Mouseover Menus

    Date: 10/25/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: css

    I am trying to use ideas from the Suckerfish menu system for my own site. It works beautifully except for the following blemish:

    Sorry for the crudely drawn Paintbrushing. Anyways, in Firefox, the dropdown menu appears on top of the text below it, as expected. This is not the case in IE - the test below the menu appears on top of this. Firefox originally had this problem as well, until I added a "z-index: 2;" (which the Suckerfish code doesn't use at all) to the submenu class. Is IE just braindead when it comes to z-index, or am I missing something? Thank you for your help.


    PS: The CSS code can be viewed here

    Edit: Fixed. Added this to the top of my CSS:
    position: relative;
    z-index: 10;
    I f*cking hate IE.


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