IIS vs Apache 2

    Date: 12/18/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: virus, web, apache

    I am having problems working with both IIS and Apache.

    When I turn on IIS, for some reason other people on my network cannot access my server website files, and the same thing happens when I turn off IIS and turn on Apache.

    I can access the web server on my laptop, but for some reason it does not work for other users in my network.

    It used to work before, but that was before I wiped my computer (virus) and before we got a new router for our network. Does this have anything to do with me being on a wireless network instead of a LAN? I was on a wireless network when it worked before. If this is the case then how come I can wirelessly access my router through my laptop?

    Any idea where the problem might be?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/453763.html

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