S25R rejections at livejournal.com

    Date: 01/28/08 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    I send a lot of emails to livejournal addresses as part of ljmindmap.com.

    On my new host they're all bouncing:
    Reason: Remote SMTP Server Returned: 450 c9.30.364a.static.theplanet.com[]>: Client host rejected: S25R check rule 3, be patient

    I looked up S25R, and it does have a rule 3.

    "[Rule 3] Excluding the top three layers, the bottom-level or second bottom-level name of a reverse Fully Qualified Domain Name begins with a numeral."

    Ok, I do associate mail.ljmindmap.com with a numeric address. My questions are: (1) is that the problem, and (2) why does the error suggest I be patient? I'd like to get white-listed, of course. I do spread out transmissions to every individual domain. That's a form of patience. what is livejournal asking me to patiently await?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/462916.html

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