Drag and Drop Listbox

    Date: 02/17/09 (Web Development)    Keywords: database, asp, sql, web

    What I am trying to do this time is create an asp.net listbox from
    an SQL Server 2005 result set (done) which then users can sort the
    records to form the running order within the same Listbox and then
    submit all the records including the new running order back into
    the database. Each record has already been automatically assigned
    a running order number based on their position in the old website.

    I am looking for suggestions on the quickest and *easist* way to do
    this, examples would be much appreciated. My web application is asp.net
    written in C#.

    Any help is appreciated.

    (cross-posted on asp.net)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/521763.html

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