Spammer problem on Vbull. Anyone know how to program a challenge question?

    Date: 02/28/11 (Web Development)    Keywords: spam

    Ok. This is a odd question guys but hopefully someone knows enough about Vbull so I can tell the admin.

    I'm a moderator (just a member moderator, mind you) on a gaming forum. The trouble is we've been hit very very hard by spammers. Which is annoying the mods and admins to distraction.

    We've added a mod called Spam-O-Matic that auto denies spammers from reging tho it's not perfect.

    What I'd like to see done is (since the head admin does not like capatchas, she has trouble solving them) adding a challenge question on reging.(Like a game question that most should know, "Are you human?” or “Do you have a heartbeat above 0?”) The thing is we'd need to obscure the answer like a password. (We wouldn't want spambots to be able to figure it out easily!) The board itself is Vbull 4.03 if that helps..does anyone know a mod that could allow us to do that, and maybe randomize the question so it’d be more than one to further confuse spammers? Or could make one?


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