Position: absolute a no no? Or am I misled?

    Date: 05/26/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, css

    I've read in a few CSS guides and in a spattering of places online that using position: absolute in any kind of stylesheet is in general a no-no, much to my dismay as it's ease of use for position has always been my favorite. I've discovered that when used it presents problems on Macs, specifically in IE 5, but this could just have been because of my z-index ordering.

    Two questions here:

    1. Is it actually not a good idea to use position: absolute, or is there a "safe" way to use it?

    2. If it isn't a good idea, what's an alternative that would enable me to place things absolutely at a location on a page?

    X-posted to php community

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/204089.html

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