JScript help, plz.

    Date: 06/23/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, database, java, web

    Here's the page:


    See the little cross things next to "Assemblies,Engineering" and "Assemblies,Manufacturing"? Click 'em. They open a litle box with revision history information for that document. I'm using a little javascript I found online to swap the image between the "+" and the "-" (like browsing a folder tree in Windows Explorer, etc etc).

    However, the script isn't working correctly. I want each image to switch independently...if you click the first "+" it switches to a "-", but if you click the "+" in the next row, it doesn't switch. Then you have to click them each a few times to get them both with no history showing and with the "+" displayed. What do I need to fix?


    The images are coded with the "id" and "name" objects, as such:

    There is also an onclick event for the tags surrounding the images, which is the script that shows/hides the blue boxes, so I need to use the onclick event in the image tag (unless I expanded on my show/hide script to include the image swapping...

    Help is appreciated.

    [x-posted between
    '[info]'webdev and '[info]'webdesign]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/213754.html

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