Help is greatly apreachiated
Date: 08/04/05
(Web Development) Keywords: web
Alright, first time asker of help, long time learning from you guys...
Anyway, my website, is obviously, I know, not a masterpiece of code...
It's not pretty or anything like that, however I believe it's simple to follow...
Right, so with the website sometiems I write little stories or wahtever, its all humour and made up crap that none of the people that work on it believe...
Also, none of us are code masters...
So my question is, is there a way under each article we write for there to be a little Comment on this article link and a read comments on this article link...
A place where they would comment on if they liked the article, but they wouldn't have to register and it wouldnt be filtered...
I don't care about hate mail deal, but I jsut think it would be a good idea...
But is that possible???
And if so, anyone want to work with me on how I can do that???
Thanks everyone, this is a great community to learn from...