Java Question

    Date: 09/22/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: java

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone can help me with this java(?) issue???

    I currently have a form which, depending on what options you choose, will give you different fields to fill in: i.e. if you select yes to "Do you like animals?" you might then see a "Are dogs your favourite pet?" question, but if you had selected no to "Do you like animals" you might then see "Well, do you like anyone?" question... get my drift??

    My problem now is that I need to somehow validate that the fields required depending on the first initial box you select are filled in.. I guess it might need to be some sort of an IF statement: i.e. IF red box is selected, blue, green and pink MUST be filled in, but IF blue box is selected only pink must be filled in.. etc etc..

    The form is made with javascript hiding and switching layers/divs. I'm assuming the validator would be in javascript too, but I have no idea where to begin .. . any tips ??

    Thanks in advance to any feedback!!! XXX


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