More problems with form action=

    Date: 10/04/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, browser

    Okay here's what I have:

    index page with 2 form fields (name,email)
    form declaration on this page is set to have action="mailing_lists.php"

    Why, then, does it take the form data once and return to the same page (index) after clicking submit once, but after filling out the fields again and clicking submit for the second time the browser goes to the specified mailing_lists.php? I want it to go there straight off, and take the $_POST['name'] and $_POST['email'] with it.

    Also: I'm trying to take the values of $_POST['name'] and $_POST['email'] and set them as the default value for two fields of the same type on the mailing_lists.php page, but value="$_POST does not work and it doesnt work if i enclose it in php tags either. (cant type them here or they parse)

    Any suggestions?


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